Monday, January 9, 2017

**Midterm This Week** 2017-01-15

The following will be on the Midterm...

Chinh Ta: "Đi câu" (p. 13)
Học Thuộc Lòng: "Bổn Phận Làm Con" (p. 14)
Việt Sử: "Hai Bà Trưng" (p. 18)
Địa Lí: "Nông Nghiệp" (p. 51)

*Review exercises on pages 20 & 49
*Your sentences on the test will need to be seven words or more.
*Your answers on the test must be in complete sentences.

If you have missing home work, next week is the last week make it up.

Link to class syllabus and vocabulary list here.
Please print vocabulary and bring them to class.

Have lots of fun and remember to spread good vibes!
-Thay Vinh

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